Preservation Specialists, LLC Blog

We help individuals and families work toward achieving their ideal retirements.

To Know The Road Ahead, Ask Those Coming Back

July 16, 2018

“To know the road ahead, ask those coming back” is the famous Chinese proverb although for this article it may be more fitting to say, to know the road ahead, ask those looking back. Everyone has different ideas of what it is like to retire. However, their ideas may be based solely on what they…

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The Affordable Care Act & Your Retirement

July 9, 2018

What is the status of the Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA)? High-end net worth “seniors” planning for retirement need to know. How will the changes in the Affordable Care Act impact your retirement? Health Care Planning A lot of time, energy and money went into promoting and advancing the Affordable Care…

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Rising Interest Rates And Your Portfolio

July 2, 2018

The reality is that rising interest rates will likely continue through 2018.   This has been choreographed by the Fed Reserve for some time now, and even most of the talking heads on television agree that this is more likely to continue than not.  This begs the question of whether rising interest rates will harm…

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Bucket List Retirement Trips

June 25, 2018

Summer seems to be the time to travel and the best thing about retirement is that you finally have time to travel.  Whether you want to see more of the United States or explore foreign lands, the following list will help you find the perfect adventure. Go to Europe Europe is still an attractive destination,…

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Social Security Depletion Timeline

June 18, 2018

Social Security has been a hot button topic for political pundits for decades. Many younger Americans fear that by the time they get to retirement age, the program’s funds will be so depleted that they will receive little, if any, benefits. A recent announcement from the Social Security Administration (SSA) proves that these fears are…

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Don't Ruin Your Retirement This Summer

June 11, 2018

Few Americans have employers that save for their retirements automatically. Pensions are going the way of the dinosaur. Therefore, Americans are required largely to save for their own retirements. This means that it’s important to make retirement savings a priority. This can seem like a boring life, and there may be a temptation to take…

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Thinking About Downsizing In Retirement? 

June 4, 2018

With the exception of those under 35 years of age, between 60 and 70 percent of the median household wealth in the US is tied up in home equity. Those within 10 years of retirement have about 40 percent of their net worth held outside of their home equity, and the number gets worse from…

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What Keeps You Up At Night?

May 28, 2018

For millions of Americans, it’s the question of how they will fund their healthcare expenses in retirement, according to a recent poll by Franklin Templeton. With the high costs of care, hospitalization, pharmaceuticals, and nursing homes, these fears are well-founded, though they may be overblown. With proper planning, healthcare costs in retirement are within the…

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Retirement & Healthcare: The Fight Is Yours To Win

May 21, 2018

When you think of retirement, you probably think of a relaxing lifestyle free from the stresses of a 40-hour workweek. Life could instead get more stressful due to rising health care costs, which is one of the most expensive post-retirement costs seniors must endure. The current generation likely doesn’t have access to a union or…

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